Stepping Into the Unknown: My Very First Experience with Psilocybin

My relationship with this master plant medicine started unexpectedly some years ago when I was completely virgin to any form of mind altering substances.  It was with my girlfriend Emma.  Back in 2005 before it was easily accessible, before it was “trendy” and a “buzz word”,  she used to tell me how her experiences with this medicine were beyond good, and that the whole world around her seemed to be a tad bit brighter, more joyous, and colourful.


Table of Contents

Awakening Senses at the Beach

Emotional Clarity and Inner Reflection

The Symphony of Nature’s Healing

Body Awareness and Physical Release

Lessons from the Master Plant


Recounting the first psilocybin experience and the newfound vividness of nature.

Thou I was apprehensive at first, I took her word for it and took a leap of faith.  I took my first ever dose 0.5g and a whole new world blasted open for me.  We were at the beach, the ocean breeze and and the mountain beyond the horizon were simply stunning. I had been to that beach many times  before but it was like I was seeing details of it for the very first time!


Emotional Clarity and Inner Reflection

The sensory enhanced experience was like a dream. I loved watching the trees sway with the motion of the wind as their leaves created this relaxing music for my ears. The ocean waves were dancing for me in mesmerizing rhythm going in and out washing away every stress out of my body.  The sky was a display of wonderful colours changing hour to hour as the sunset was approaching.  Nature was playing a  symphony for me, healing me. Nature was full of patterns and rhythms.  Everything was alive and I was experiencing it through my own body, my eyes, and all of my other senses.  I have never been the same ever since.  Something within me awoke from the slumber and I was finally fully here, fully present. I felt a sense of deep reverence and sweetness filled my heart.  I fell in love.


The Symphony of Nature’s Healing

Beyond the sensory enhancements, I noticed at points my mind would wonder off and examine my life. At the time I didn’t even realize I was carrying a deep seated sadness and grief. I simply wasn’t aware of it. I remember wanting to cry suddenly. I started remembering people I loved so much and my memories with them. I was homesick. Doing the daily grind, being on the hamster wheel that is a “job”, I had neglected all my relationships. I was focused on getting ahead that I let my relationships slip away. That made me sad. How could I? How did I let it get this way? I realized I needed to do better, reconnect and revive this relationships in my life that were so vital and important to me and my existence.

The medicine was showing me themes of my life, it showed me what was working and what needed improvement in a gentle and sweet way. It showed me where I could be more fair to myself and others. It showed me to hold myself ever so gently. It showed me a different perspective, a different way of being. It showed me what was already there and how I can make it better.


Body Awareness and Physical Release

I became aware of my body, especially the parts that were stiff or painful. I started moving my body, stretching my body, massaging the areas that felt stiff. It felt so good. I naturally started listening to my body and giving it what it needed. I am not sure if I had ever been that present with my body and that in tune with it. As I was creating more space within my body through stretching and movement, I was experiencing release in the form of tears, laughters, deep sighs of relief, songs, hums, silent prayers of gratitude. As I was lying down on the ground I felt the vibration of Mother earth going through my body healing it.


Lessons from the Master Plant

I became aware of my breath. I was holding my breath and something within me instructed to use my breath, to breath like the earth and the trees. I took deep breaths in and forceful breaths out as if I was trying to get rid of something! I kept doing it because it felt good to my body and until I had enough. It was as thou everything I needed, I already knew how to do it. I could say this plant medicine was the best teacher I had ever encountered.

For Elevating Your Routine