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Microdosing is the practice of ingesting small quantities of psilocybin at regular intervals. Studies have shown that microdosing psilocybin shows promise in boosting cognitive function, fostering creativity, and alleviating the symptoms of moderate to severe depression and anxiety. Microdosing is helping people fall back in love with life by uncovering the joy of the little things courtesy of the matchless blessings bestowed by nature.

Visualize microdosing as an essential fragment of a larger mosaic: it is not meant to mask feelings. Instead, bringing the magic of psilocybin into your life with microdosing can empower you to embrace the present, heighten your awareness, forge connections, and nurture the motivation needed to take incremental steps in the direction that leads to your optimal life. Profound achievements result from patience and mindfulness, and this could be your starting point.

Microdosing is currently being explored as an assisted therapeutic intervention to help with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. When using microdosing for therapeutic benefits, it is recommended to work alongside a healthcare professional for support.

Microdosing is a practice where individuals consume low, generally sub-perceptual doses of a psychedelic substance such as psilocybin (the active compound in “magic mushrooms”).

The purpose is not to have a full psychedelic experience with hallucinations, but rather to experience slight changes in mood, creativity, focus, and well-being. Microdosing can help boost creativity, productivity, and emotional awareness.

Microdosing is done on a schedule to maximize benefits and prevent tolerance changes. A microdose is generally ingested three to four times weekly, depending on the individual’s specific dosing plan. This dosing plan is often recommended by a healthcare professional or based on user preference and can be anything from 3 days on and four days off to microdosing once every 2-3 days.

Macrodosing refers to consuming a larger, perceptual dose of a psychedelic substance such as psilocybin (the active compound in “magic mushrooms”). Unlike microdosing, where the aim is sub-perceptual to low-perceptual effects that have little impact on function, a macrodose is intended to induce a full psychedelic experience with pronounced hallucinations, altered perceptions, and profound insights. Macrodosing is also referred to as “Creative Dosing” or “Hero Dosing” depending on the amount and desired effect.

People choose to macrodose for various reasons, including spiritual exploration, self-discovery, and therapeutic healing. It’s important to approach macrodosing with caution and in a supportive environment, as the intensity of the experience can be overwhelming for some individuals. Additionally, integration and preparation are essential aspects of a safe and meaningful macrodosing journey.

A “micro” dose generally contains: 0.05g – 0.2g / 50mg – 200mg of psilocybin depending on your tolerance and personal preference.

This amount is intended to be a sub-perceptual dose, which means that you should not feel any psychoactive effects. Instead users often report more subtle effects such as: mood enhancement, sharpened concentration, and increased mental stamina.

  • Enhanced Creativity: Users report increased creativity, problem-solving abilities, and greater access to novel perspectives on tasks or projects.
  • Improved Focus and Productivity: Some individuals claim that microdosing helps them stay focused and boosts their productivity without causing significant cognitive impairment.
  • Mood Enhancement: Microdosers often report improvements in mood, reduced anxiety, and an increase in a general sense of well-being.
    Mindfulness and Emotional Awareness: Many users find that microdosing helps them become more present and emotionally attuned.
  • Cognitive Benefits: There are countless anecdotal reports of improved cognitive abilities (such as memory, focus, and mental clarity) although scientific evidence here is limited.

The benefits of psilocybin microdosing are currently being studied all over the world with very promising findings. Stay tuned for more evidence for the power of microdosing.

DefenderDays 0MG No psychoactive
effect whatsoever
Functional mushrooms: Protect against aging,
strengthen immunity, improve cognitive function
EasyDays 60MG Sub-perceptual
Delicate mood enhancement
FocusDays 125MG Perceptual effect Subtle shift in mood, increased connectivity, access to motivation
BetterDays 200MG Discernible effect Moderately psychoactive, heightened senses, access to deeper connection
DivineDays 300MG Noticeable
Euphoric shift in perception, a general sense of softening, access to deep creativity
PartyDays 175-875MG Discernible to
Hallucinogenic effect
Dose dependent: Energized, heightened senses, euphoric
DefenderDays 0MG
No psychoactive
effect whatsoever
Functional mushrooms: Protect against aging,
strengthen immunity, improve cognitive function
EasyDays 60MG
Delicate mood enhancement
FocusDays 125MG
Perceptual effect Subtle shift in mood, increased connectivity, access to motivation
BetterDays 200MG
Discernible effect Moderately psychoactive, heightened senses, access to deeper connection
DivineDays 300MG
Euphoric shift in perception, a general sense of softening, access to deep creativity
PartyDays 175-875MG
Discernible to
Hallucinogenic effect
Dose dependent: Energized, heightened senses, euphoric

The frequency at which you microdose is completely up to you.

We recommend taking your dose every 2 to 3 days to avoid developing a tolerance to psilocybin. During the 1 to 2 day break between doses it’s beneficial to engage in activities like journaling so that you can track and reflect on any changes in lifestyle or emotional outlook. Self-awareness practices can be very helpful in understanding the impact of the substance on your overall well-being and also help to determine your optimal dosing schedule.

Some potential dosing methods:

  • Intuitive Microdosing: You may feel called to experiment with your own microdosing schedule. It is recommended to have at least one full day of being completely sober between microdoses or reserve 2 consecutive days out of any 7 day period to remain sober.
  • The Fadiman Protocol: Developed by Dr. James Fadiman, this protocol involves a 3 day microdosing cycle with a number of days off in between.
  • The Stamets Stack: Developed by Paul Stamets, this microdosing protocol involves “stacking” several supplements to create a “nootropic stack” with psilocybin included.

Every person is different and your preferred psilocybin dose depends on a variety of factors. We recommend starting with our lowest dose products, Easy Days (60mg) and going up from there.

There is no evidence that body weight impacts the subjective effects of psilocybin.

Ideally, your first microdosing experience should be sub-perceptual. Starting with a minimal dose (0.05g – 0.2g / 50mg – 200mg), you should not notice much more than gentle mood enhancement, sharper concentration, and increased mental stamina. Related to this, most people report a positive, uplifting effect on their perception and disposition, as well as a general sense of greater well-being.

It is important to note that psilocybin can enhance all emotions – including the more uncomfortable ones. When these emotions surface in the context of microdosing and the pursuit of its benefits, it can be very useful to recognize the need for these emotions to arise and be released and allow them to be. There is nothing inherently wrong with uncomfortable or negative emotions, they are meant to be felt just as the positive ones are. Emotional discomfort is generally only temporary and can be effectively utilized to encourage the release of emotional blockages that may be holding you back in any number of areas in your life. Working through these more difficult feelings with meditation, prayer, yoga, or breathwork can be very helpful. However, it is important to contact a healthcare professional if you need help to manage these emotional ranges.

It is always best practice to set a positive intention before your microdosing experience. Ask that this incredible, natural tool be used to serve your highest and greatest good, to create not compete, in the spirit of non-resistance, love, and peace. Microdosing can illuminate a path to transformation. Ask to be shown what you are looking for.

In general, felt microdose effects will last between 4 to 8 hours. Although it is important to note that the effects will gradually lessen after 4 to 6 hours.

Most microdosers report they notice a gentle “afterglow” in the days following a microdose day. This “afterglow” is not psychoactive in any way.

Timing is essential when microdosing as it will influence your energy levels, stamina, cognitive functioning, and mood stability throughout the day.

You can optimize effects and elevate your overall experience by aligning your microdosing schedule with your body’s natural rhythm, as well as your work/life commitments, and personal projects. Microdosing can be done in the morning, afternoon, or evening, depending on your lifestyle and preferences.

Absolutely – This is sometimes referred to as a “nightcap.”

Some microdosers report that they sleep very well, have vivid dreams, and wake up feeling extra refreshed after a bedtime dose.

Please note that for some, taking psilocybin in the evening or at night can have the adverse effect of keeping you awake longer than you would like.

When experimenting with nighttime microdosing:

  • Start with a very low dose.
  • Actively wind yourself down with relaxing activities and low lighting.
  • When timing your “nightcap” give yourself a couple of hours before you need to be asleep so that you can experiment and determine what best works for you without paying for it the next day.

Ideally, we recommend experimenting with your first “nightcap” on a night free of work or other responsibilities the next day.

Did you notice an “afterglow” feeling in the days following a large dose of psilocybin? Did you feel you had opened channels to creativity? Did you experience a general mood improvement? Did you find a greater perspective on your life and your worries?

Many people have expressed experiencing these benefits after a magic mushroom “trip.” Microdosing brings these same benefits to you in a gentler daily experience without interruption to function.

Please refer to our glossary of treatable conditions to get you started with the possibilities and narrow down some goals for yourself.

A microdosing regimen can be considered a gentler, longer-term “trip” – the journey itself being the destination.

This means that you are at the sub-perceptual stage of the journey. There may still be benefits to your overall well-being at this stage, but they may simply be so mild that you may not be aware of them. With time, these subtle changes may become more obvious if you keep track with journaling etc..

Consider if you would like to continue at this dose or if you would like to experience more perceptual changes and increase your dose. One way to increase your dose is to simply double it and take two capsules or chocolate squares or pieces. Or you could level up your product and try the next stage in our product rainbow, for instance moving from EasyDays to FocusDays.

Psilocybin is a naturally-occurring psychoactive and hallucinogenic compound found in over 200 species of mushrooms.

When ingested, it is converted into another compound called psilocin, which produces the psychedelic effects. Throughout history, various cultures have used mushrooms containing psilocybin for spiritual and ceremonial purposes.

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the potential therapeutic benefits of psilocybin, particularly in the treatment of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Research on psilocybin’s therapeutic potential has shown promising results, with studies indicating that it may have a positive impact on treatment-resistant depression and end-of-life anxiety in cancer patients.

It is currently being researched for its potential therapeutic benefits in treating mental health conditions.

Semperviva is a kind of psilocybin-active mycelium, which is the vegetative part of the fungus.

Psilocybin-active mycelium refers to the living and actively growing vegetative part of a fungus. Mycelium is a network of thread-like structures called hyphae that form the foundation of a fungal organism. It is the part of the fungus responsible for nutrient absorption and the expansion of the fungal colony.

Psilocybin-active mycelium is a mycelium that actually produces a tiny amount of psilicybin in the vegetative form, before the fruiting bodies emerge. Traditionally, only the fruiting body, or mushroom, contains any psilicybin. The inclusion of this  special mycelium is one of the things that makes our products special.

The integration of this special psilocybin-active mycelium, Semperviva, into our products provides a more seamless user experience meaning a gentler transition into and out of the effects of psilocybin. The addition of Semperviva also minimizes the edginess sometimes associated with psilocybin and reduces the potential for nausea that can arise from traditional magic mushroom consumption.

MicroDays’ dried psilocybin mushroom blends include various nootropics, natural ingredients, and medicinal mushrooms including psilocybin-active mycelium Semperviva that help our products land gently in your body. Specifically, the inclusion of Semperviva in the right ratio has been proven to greatly reduce or completely eliminate any nausea and digestive troubles in the user.

In general, a microdose (0.05g – 0.2g / 50mg – 200mg) should not cause your stomach to feel upset. We have carefully blended our capsules and chocolates to ensure you feel great from beginning to end!

The categorization of our products is based on the milligrams (mg) of psilocybin or functional mushrooms per unit. This categorization is also reflected in the branding rainbow. Whether it be chocolate or capsules you can move through the colour framework from lowest dose to highest dose, pun mostly intended.


1 Capsule – 60mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 240mg
10 Capsule Pouch – 600mg
30 Capsule Jar – 1.8g
90 Capsule Jar – 5.4g

1 Capsule – 125mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 500mg
10 Capsule Pouch – 1.25g
30 Capsule Jar – 3.75g
90 Capsule Jar – 11.25g

1 Capsule – 200mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 800mg
10 Capsule Pouch – 2g
30 Capsule Jar – 6g
90 Capsule Jar – 18g

1 Capsule – 300mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 1.2g
10 Capsule Pouch – 3g
30 Capsule Jar – 9g
90 Capsule Jar – 27g

1 Capsule – 175mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 700mg
10 Capsule Pouch – 1.75g
30 Capsule Jar – 5.25g
90 Capsule Jar – 15.75g

(Functional Mushrooms –
1 Capsule – 300mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 1.2g
10 Capsule Pouch – 3g
30 Capsule Jar – 9g
90 Capsule Jar – 27g

NOTE: This format applies to all of the functional mushroom products as well.

Chocolate Bars:

1 Square – 60mg
1 Bar (6 Squares) – 360mg

1 Square – 125mg
1 Bar (6 Squares) – 750mg

1 Square – 200mg
1 Bar (6 Squares) – 1.2g

1 Square – 300mg
1 Bar (6 Square) – 1.8g

(Functional Mushrooms – Non-Psychoactive)
1 Square – 300mg
1 Bar (6 Squares) – 1.8g

Truffles + Bonbons:

1 Piece – 60mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 240mg
Box (9 Pieces) – 540mg

1 Piece – 125mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 500mg
Box (9 Pieces) – 1.125g

1 Piece – 200mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 800mg
Box (9 Pieces) – 1.8g

1 Piece – 300mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 1.2g
Box (9 Pieces) – 2.7g

(Functional Mushrooms – Non-Psychoactive)
1 Piece – 300mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 1.2g
Box (9 Pieces) – 2.7g

Like most chocolate, we suggest consuming the product within 4-6 weeks after opening. After this best-before window chocolate is still edible, although taste and quality may change. The potency of the active ingredient, psilocybin, will remain unchanged over time.

  • Capsules: Capsules should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  • Chocolates: Chocolates should be stored in a cool, park place. We do recommend you consume your chocolates within 4-6 weeks after opening for optimal taste/freshness. Our chef’s recommendation: Ideally, our chocolate should be stored at temperatures between 15°C and 18°C (59°F-64°F). Chocolate is best enjoyed at room temperature, about 21°C (70°F).

No. If stored properly our products should not lose their intended potency over time.

Absolutely! We are happy to offer sample packages of all our capsules.

Coming soon: You will find them as an option on each product page.

At MicroDays, we strive for perfection in every chocolate creation. Due to the handmade nature of some decorations, slight variations may occur. While we make every effort to accurately represent our products online, please note that these variations won’t compromise quality. For any concerns, contact our customer service.

Do your best to remain calm and relax into the journey as much as possible. Remember that the effects of any dose generally last 4-8 hours and begin to decrease after 4 hours. Find a comfortable place to recalibrate. Call a friend. Go outside. Valerian root tea has been said to reduce the effects of psychedelics, but more evidence is needed to verify this claim.

Certain medications such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), can potentially interact with psilocybin. These prescription medications are commonly used to treat various mental health conditions. When combined with psilocybin, there is a possibility of experiencing adverse effects or reduced effectiveness of either the medication or psilocybin. It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before combining these substances to ensure your safety and well-being.

Herbal solutions, like St. John’s Wort, function as natural MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors). MAOIs were the original type of antidepressants and may still be used by some. It’s important to note that MAOIs can enhance the impact of psilocybin. Therefore if you decide to combine the two, exercise caution and modify your dosage with the help of a healthcare professional.

Yes! These products are great for adults of all ages. Many of the benefits of microdosing apply to the struggles that face the elderly and microdosing can be very helpful.All the same recommendations and cautions apply to microdosers in the elderly category as any user. Although we cannot make medical recommendations, we have found microdosing to be very helpful and well-received by our elderly clients.

It is not recommended to consume alcohol while consuming psilocybin.

Psilocybin is not physically addictive. In fact, it can be used as a powerful tool for healing and overcoming other addictions such as those to alcohol, smoking, overeating, and many other compulsive behaviors.

That being said, anyone who uses magic mushrooms (microdosing or otherwise) to escape reality, mixes them with other other psychoactive substances or alcohol, takes frequent doses without days off to reset tolerance, etc., may become addicted to the psychological effects of psilocybin.

Our products are intended to be used in a safe and meaningful manner. Please refer to our suggested microdosing protocols and dosage guide and follow your intuition. It is also recommended to seek the guidance of a psychedelic counselor and specialist to assist you in your microdosing journey if you have any concerns.

We advise you to administer your initial microdose on a day when you are not working to comprehensively grasp its impact on you. While it’s not legal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of any substance, many individuals observe that microdosing doesn’t impede their cognitive functioning. However, if you experience any form of intoxication, we strongly recommend refraining from driving.

We currently ship within Canada.

Shipping typically takes 2-6 business days after your order has been processed! Once your order is shipped, you should receive an update email with your Canada Post tracking number. If for some reason you do not, please reach out to our support staff at support@MicroDays.cc

No, we currently only ship within Canada. However, we are working to supply the US and international market and hope to be able to very soon!

At MircoDays, we use Xpresspost with Canada Post for shipping. The shipping cost typically falls between $17 to $25 per order package. However, we do offer free shipping on orders over $150.

We offer free shipping for orders over $150.

Yes. All orders are shipped in a discreet plain box, with no indicative labeling visible on the outside.

Every order placed will be processed and shipped within 24 business hours. The cut-off time for same-day orders is 1pm PST / 4pm EST. If an order is placed after 1pm PST / 4pm EST, it will be shipped the following business day. If orders are placed after 1 pm PST / 4 pm EST on Friday or the weekend, they will be shipped the following Monday. If orders are placed on holidays they will be fulfilled and shipped the next business day.

Note: When an order is placed, you will then receive payment instructions via email. Once payment has been accepted the order will be placed into processing. When the order is complete, you will be notified via email with a shipping confirmation and tracking number.

Yes, our rewards points are called DollarDays. DollarDays are collected every time an order is placed via your account and can be used toward future purchases!

Every $1 spent = 1 DollerDays collected.

100 DollarDays = $1 to be spent on future purchases.

Currently, we only accept e-transfers and credit card payments. When an order is placed you will receive payment instructions via email. Once payment has been accepted, the order will be placed into processing. When the order is complete, you will be notified via email with a shipping confirmation and tracking number.

We have a network of coaches and counselors who are vetted and trusted companions on plant medicine healing journeys of many kinds. If you’d like to find someone to work with on your microdosing journey check out our Find a Coach program.

Here are a couple of our coaches:

Melanie Waterfall

Meet Melanie, a guide to self-discovery and empowerment. Specializing in heart wisdom, self-awareness, and self-empowerment, she helps individuals navigate challenges like anxiety, perfectionism, and self-doubt.

From sensitivity to spiritual development, Melanie offers support and guidance tailored to each individual’s unique journey. Together, clients move from surviving to thriving, unlocking their highest potential and manifesting abundance in life.

Melanie provides guidance with Preparation & Integration for these Medicines: Psilocybin & 4-HO-MET, Cannabis, 5Meo-DMT, MDMA & 3MMC.

Additionally, she offers Microdosing Support with various Psychedelics and welcomes exploration with other psychedelic plant medicines/entheogens.

Gaia Sophia

Meet Gaia Sophia, a beacon of light and wisdom on the path to personal
and spiritual growth. With a heart full of compassion and a deep well
of knowledge, Gaia is dedicated to guiding individuals through life’s challenges
and facilitating profound transformation.

Currently pursuing her Masters in Counseling, Gaia blends academic rigor with ancient wisdom as she supports clients through soul challenges, helping them navigate life with grace and resilience. Gaia creates a safe and sacred space for clients to explore their inner landscape and unlock their innate healing potential.

As a pipe-carrier and sweat-lodge pourer, she conducts sacred ceremonies that honor interconnectedness and provide space for healing and renewal. As a master energy worker, Gaia harnesses subtle energies to facilitate deep healing and transformation.

Find a Coach

After signing up and earning DollarDays you will find that In the top left corner of your screen during checkout you will see a statement that says “Use XX DollarDays for a $XX discount on this order!” If you wish to redeem your points for a discount click the “Apply Discount” button and choose how many DollarDays you wish to redeem.

Every dollar  that you spend after signing up on MicroDays products earns you one DollarDay.

100 DollarDays equals 1$ to be spent on MicroDays products.

500 DollarDays equals 5$ to be spent on MicroDays products.

There is no limit to the amount of DollarDays that you can earn, so go ahead and see how many you can collect!

Yes, you can combine your earned DollarDays with any other promotion.

Microdosing is the practice of ingesting small quantities of psilocybin at regular intervals. Studies have shown that microdosing psilocybin shows promise in boosting cognitive function, fostering creativity, and alleviating the symptoms of moderate to severe depression and anxiety. Microdosing is helping people fall back in love with life by uncovering the joy of the little things courtesy of the matchless blessings bestowed by nature.

Visualize microdosing as an essential fragment of a larger mosaic: it is not meant to mask feelings. Instead, bringing the magic of psilocybin into your life with microdosing can empower you to embrace the present, heighten your awareness, forge connections, and nurture the motivation needed to take incremental steps in the direction that leads to your optimal life. Profound achievements result from patience and mindfulness, and this could be your starting point.

Microdosing is currently being explored as an assisted therapeutic intervention to help with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. When using microdosing for therapeutic benefits, it is recommended to work alongside a healthcare professional for support.

Microdosing is a practice where individuals consume low, generally sub-perceptual doses of a psychedelic substance such as psilocybin (the active compound in “magic mushrooms”).

The purpose is not to have a full psychedelic experience with hallucinations, but rather to experience slight changes in mood, creativity, focus, and well-being. Microdosing can help boost creativity, productivity, and emotional awareness.

Microdosing is done on a schedule to maximize benefits and prevent tolerance changes. A microdose is generally ingested three to four times weekly, depending on the individual’s specific dosing plan. This dosing plan is often recommended by a healthcare professional or based on user preference and can be anything from 3 days on and four days off to microdosing once every 2-3 days.

Macrodosing refers to consuming a larger, perceptual dose of a psychedelic substance such as psilocybin (the active compound in “magic mushrooms”). Unlike microdosing, where the aim is sub-perceptual to low-perceptual effects that have little impact on function, a macrodose is intended to induce a full psychedelic experience with pronounced hallucinations, altered perceptions, and profound insights. Macrodosing is also referred to as “Creative Dosing” or “Hero Dosing” depending on the amount and desired effect.

People choose to macrodose for various reasons, including spiritual exploration, self-discovery, and therapeutic healing. It’s important to approach macrodosing with caution and in a supportive environment, as the intensity of the experience can be overwhelming for some individuals. Additionally, integration and preparation are essential aspects of a safe and meaningful macrodosing journey.

A “micro” dose generally contains: 0.05g – 0.2g / 50mg – 200mg of psilocybin depending on your tolerance and personal preference.

This amount is intended to be a sub-perceptual dose, which means that you should not feel any psychoactive effects. Instead users often report more subtle effects such as: mood enhancement, sharpened concentration, and increased mental stamina.

  • Enhanced Creativity: Users report increased creativity, problem-solving abilities, and greater access to novel perspectives on tasks or projects.
  • Improved Focus and Productivity: Some individuals claim that microdosing helps them stay focused and boosts their productivity without causing significant cognitive impairment.
  • Mood Enhancement: Microdosers often report improvements in mood, reduced anxiety, and an increase in a general sense of well-being.
    Mindfulness and Emotional Awareness: Many users find that microdosing helps them become more present and emotionally attuned.
  • Cognitive Benefits: There are countless anecdotal reports of improved cognitive abilities (such as memory, focus, and mental clarity) although scientific evidence here is limited.

The benefits of psilocybin microdosing are currently being studied all over the world with very promising findings. Stay tuned for more evidence for the power of microdosing.

DefenderDays 0MG No psychoactive
effect whatsoever
Functional mushrooms: Protect against aging,
strengthen immunity, improve cognitive function
EasyDays 60MG Sub-perceptual
Delicate mood enhancement
FocusDays 125MG Perceptual effect Subtle shift in mood, increased connectivity, access to motivation
BetterDays 200MG Discernible effect Moderately psychoactive, heightened senses, access to deeper connection
DivineDays 300MG Noticeable
Euphoric shift in perception, a general sense of softening, access to deep creativity
PartyDays 175-875MG Discernible to
Hallucinogenic effect
Dose dependent: Energized, heightened senses, euphoric
DefenderDays 0MG
No psychoactive
effect whatsoever
Functional mushrooms: Protect against aging,
strengthen immunity, improve cognitive function
EasyDays 60MG
Delicate mood enhancement
FocusDays 125MG
Perceptual effect Subtle shift in mood, increased connectivity, access to motivation
BetterDays 200MG
Discernible effect Moderately psychoactive, heightened senses, access to deeper connection
DivineDays 300MG
Euphoric shift in perception, a general sense of softening, access to deep creativity
PartyDays 175-875MG
Discernible to
Hallucinogenic effect
Dose dependent: Energized, heightened senses, euphoric

The frequency at which you microdose is completely up to you.

We recommend taking your dose every 2 to 3 days to avoid developing a tolerance to psilocybin. During the 1 to 2 day break between doses it’s beneficial to engage in activities like journaling so that you can track and reflect on any changes in lifestyle or emotional outlook. Self-awareness practices can be very helpful in understanding the impact of the substance on your overall well-being and also help to determine your optimal dosing schedule.

Some potential dosing methods:

  • Intuitive Microdosing: You may feel called to experiment with your own microdosing schedule. It is recommended to have at least one full day of being completely sober between microdoses or reserve 2 consecutive days out of any 7 day period to remain sober.
  • The Fadiman Protocol: Developed by Dr. James Fadiman, this protocol involves a 3 day microdosing cycle with a number of days off in between.
  • The Stamets Stack: Developed by Paul Stamets, this microdosing protocol involves “stacking” several supplements to create a “nootropic stack” with psilocybin included.

Every person is different and your preferred psilocybin dose depends on a variety of factors. We recommend starting with our lowest dose products, Easy Days (60mg) and going up from there.

There is no evidence that body weight impacts the subjective effects of psilocybin.

Ideally, your first microdosing experience should be sub-perceptual. Starting with a minimal dose (0.05g – 0.2g / 50mg – 200mg), you should not notice much more than gentle mood enhancement, sharper concentration, and increased mental stamina. Related to this, most people report a positive, uplifting effect on their perception and disposition, as well as a general sense of greater well-being.

It is important to note that psilocybin can enhance all emotions – including the more uncomfortable ones. When these emotions surface in the context of microdosing and the pursuit of its benefits, it can be very useful to recognize the need for these emotions to arise and be released and allow them to be. There is nothing inherently wrong with uncomfortable or negative emotions, they are meant to be felt just as the positive ones are. Emotional discomfort is generally only temporary and can be effectively utilized to encourage the release of emotional blockages that may be holding you back in any number of areas in your life. Working through these more difficult feelings with meditation, prayer, yoga, or breathwork can be very helpful. However, it is important to contact a healthcare professional if you need help to manage these emotional ranges.

It is always best practice to set a positive intention before your microdosing experience. Ask that this incredible, natural tool be used to serve your highest and greatest good, to create not compete, in the spirit of non-resistance, love, and peace. Microdosing can illuminate a path to transformation. Ask to be shown what you are looking for.

In general, felt microdose effects will last between 4 to 8 hours. Although it is important to note that the effects will gradually lessen after 4 to 6 hours.

Most microdosers report they notice a gentle “afterglow” in the days following a microdose day. This “afterglow” is not psychoactive in any way.

Timing is essential when microdosing as it will influence your energy levels, stamina, cognitive functioning, and mood stability throughout the day.

You can optimize effects and elevate your overall experience by aligning your microdosing schedule with your body’s natural rhythm, as well as your work/life commitments, and personal projects. Microdosing can be done in the morning, afternoon, or evening, depending on your lifestyle and preferences.

Morning microdosing:

Microdosing in the morning, or whenever you first wake up, offers many advantages. Your brain experiences a surge in dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters upon awakening; you can amplify these effects with microdosing, and begin the day with an extra boost to your mood, cognitive functioning, and motivation.

If you are new to this practice: we recommend microdosing after breakfast or a light snack, if possible, and giving yourself about 45 minutes before work, school or other public commitments to assess how you feel. Remember to take your time and relax into any new sensations.

Afternoon microdosing:

Taking your daily microdose at lunchtime can be a very helpful tool to combat a midday decline in energy. Microdosing can help revitalize energy levels, combat fatigue, and enhance your general productivity and creative thinking.

Evening microdosing:

Microdosing in the evening can produce a more calming and tranquil experience, especially if you are unwinding from a busy day. You will have all the benefits of microdosing during the day, with less of an energy boost owing to your body’s natural rhythms.

Many microdosers enjoy dosing in the evening as it can provide an enchanting, pleasurable sense of focus on personal creative projects outside the matrix of a day job. Evening microdosing can also aid in achieving deeper sleep with more vivid dreams.

Absolutely – This is sometimes referred to as a “nightcap.”

Some microdosers report that they sleep very well, have vivid dreams, and wake up feeling extra refreshed after a bedtime dose.

Please note that for some, taking psilocybin in the evening or at night can have the adverse effect of keeping you awake longer than you would like.

When experimenting with nighttime microdosing:

  • Start with a very low dose.
  • Actively wind yourself down with relaxing activities and low lighting.
  • When timing your “nightcap” give yourself a couple of hours before you need to be asleep so that you can experiment and determine what best works for you without paying for it the next day.

Ideally, we recommend experimenting with your first “nightcap” on a night free of work or other responsibilities the next day.

Did you notice an “afterglow” feeling in the days following a large dose of psilocybin? Did you feel you had opened channels to creativity? Did you experience a general mood improvement? Did you find a greater perspective on your life and your worries?

Many people have expressed experiencing these benefits after a magic mushroom “trip.” Microdosing brings these same benefits to you in a gentler daily experience without interruption to function.

Please refer to our glossary of treatable conditions to get you started with the possibilities and narrow down some goals for yourself.

A microdosing regimen can be considered a gentler, longer-term “trip” – the journey itself being the destination.

This means that you are at the sub-perceptual stage of the journey. There may still be benefits to your overall well-being at this stage, but they may simply be so mild that you may not be aware of them. With time, these subtle changes may become more obvious if you keep track with journaling etc..

Consider if you would like to continue at this dose or if you would like to experience more perceptual changes and increase your dose. One way to increase your dose is to simply double it and take two capsules or chocolate squares or pieces. Or you could level up your product and try the next stage in our product rainbow, for instance moving from EasyDays to FocusDays.

Psilocybin is a naturally-occurring psychoactive and hallucinogenic compound found in over 200 species of mushrooms.

When ingested, it is converted into another compound called psilocin, which produces the psychedelic effects. Throughout history, various cultures have used mushrooms containing psilocybin for spiritual and ceremonial purposes.

In recent years, there has been growing interest in the potential therapeutic benefits of psilocybin, particularly in the treatment of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Research on psilocybin’s therapeutic potential has shown promising results, with studies indicating that it may have a positive impact on treatment-resistant depression and end-of-life anxiety in cancer patients.

It is currently being researched for its potential therapeutic benefits in treating mental health conditions.

Semperviva is a kind of psilocybin-active mycelium, which is the vegetative part of the fungus.

Psilocybin-active mycelium refers to the living and actively growing vegetative part of a fungus. Mycelium is a network of thread-like structures called hyphae that form the foundation of a fungal organism. It is the part of the fungus responsible for nutrient absorption and the expansion of the fungal colony.

Psilocybin-active mycelium is a mycelium that actually produces a tiny amount of psilicybin in the vegetative form, before the fruiting bodies emerge. Traditionally, only the fruiting body, or mushroom, contains any psilicybin. The inclusion of this  special mycelium is one of the things that makes our products special.

The integration of this special psilocybin-active mycelium, Semperviva, into our products provides a more seamless user experience meaning a gentler transition into and out of the effects of psilocybin. The addition of Semperviva also minimizes the edginess sometimes associated with psilocybin and reduces the potential for nausea that can arise from traditional magic mushroom consumption.

MicroDays’ dried psilocybin mushroom blends include various nootropics, natural ingredients, and medicinal mushrooms including psilocybin-active mycelium Semperviva that help our products land gently in your body. Specifically, the inclusion of Semperviva in the right ratio has been proven to greatly reduce or completely eliminate any nausea and digestive troubles in the user.

In general, a microdose (0.05g – 0.2g / 50mg – 200mg) should not cause your stomach to feel upset. We have carefully blended our capsules and chocolates to ensure you feel great from beginning to end!

The categorization of our products is based on the milligrams (mg) of psilocybin or functional mushrooms per unit. This categorization is also reflected in the branding rainbow. Whether it be chocolate or capsules you can move through the colour framework from lowest dose to highest dose, pun mostly intended.


1 Capsule – 60mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 240mg
10 Capsule Pouch – 600mg
30 Capsule Jar – 1.8g
90 Capsule Jar – 5.4g

1 Capsule – 125mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 500mg
10 Capsule Pouch – 1.25g
30 Capsule Jar – 3.75g
90 Capsule Jar – 11.25g

1 Capsule – 200mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 800mg
10 Capsule Pouch – 2g
30 Capsule Jar – 6g
90 Capsule Jar – 18g

1 Capsule – 300mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 1.2g
10 Capsule Pouch – 3g
30 Capsule Jar – 9g
90 Capsule Jar – 27g

1 Capsule – 175mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 700mg
10 Capsule Pouch – 1.75g
30 Capsule Jar – 5.25g
90 Capsule Jar – 15.75g

(Functional Mushrooms –
1 Capsule – 300mg
4 Capsule Pouch – 1.2g
10 Capsule Pouch – 3g
30 Capsule Jar – 9g
90 Capsule Jar – 27g

NOTE: This format applies to all of the functional mushroom products as well.


Chocolate Bars:

1 Square – 60mg
1 Bar (6 Squares) – 360mg

1 Square – 125mg
1 Bar (6 Squares) – 750mg

1 Square – 200mg
1 Bar (6 Squares) – 1.2g

1 Square – 300mg
1 Bar (6 Squares) – 1.8g

(Functional Mushrooms
– Non-Psychoactive)
1 Square – 300mg
1 Bar (6 Squares) – 1.8g


Truffles and Bonbons:

1 Piece – 60mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 240mg
Box (9 Pieces) – 540mg

1 Piece – 125mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 500mg
Box (9 Pieces) – 1.125g

1 Piece – 200mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 800mg
Box (9 Pieces) – 1.8g

1 Piece – 300mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 1.2g
Box (9 Pieces) – 2.7g

(Functional Mushrooms
– Non-Psychoactive)
1 Piece – 300mg
Box (4 Pieces) – 1.2g
Box (9 Pieces) – 2.7g

Like most chocolate, we suggest consuming the product within 4-6 weeks after opening. After this best-before window chocolate is still edible, although taste and quality may change. The potency of the active ingredient, psilocybin, will remain unchanged over time.

  • Capsules: Capsules should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  • Chocolates: Chocolates should be stored in a cool, park place. We do recommend you consume your chocolates within 4-6 weeks after opening for optimal taste/freshness. Our chef’s recommendation: Ideally, our chocolate should be stored at temperatures between 15°C and 18°C (59°F-64°F). Chocolate is best enjoyed at room temperature, about 21°C (70°F).

No. If stored properly our products should not lose their intended potency over time.

Absolutely! We are happy to offer sample packages of all our capsules.

You will find them as an option on the product pages.

Do your best to remain calm and relax into the journey as much as possible. Remember that the effects of any dose generally last 4-8 hours and begin to decrease after 4 hours. Find a comfortable place to recalibrate. Call a friend. Go outside. Valerian root tea has been said to reduce the effects of psychedelics, but more evidence is needed to verify this claim.

Certain medications such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), can potentially interact with psilocybin. These prescription medications are commonly used to treat various mental health conditions. When combined with psilocybin, there is a possibility of experiencing adverse effects or reduced effectiveness of either the medication or psilocybin. It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before combining these substances to ensure your safety and well-being.

Herbal solutions, like St. John’s Wort, function as natural MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors). MAOIs were the original type of antidepressants and may still be used by some. It’s important to note that MAOIs can enhance the impact of psilocybin. Therefore if you decide to combine the two, exercise caution and modify your dosage with the help of a healthcare professional.

Yes! These products are great for adults of all ages. Many of the benefits of microdosing apply to the struggles that face the elderly and microdosing can be very helpful.All the same recommendations and cautions apply to microdosers in the elderly category as any user. Although we cannot make medical recommendations, we have found microdosing to be very helpful and well-received by our elderly clients.

It is not recommended to consume alcohol while consuming psilocybin.

Psilocybin is not physically addictive. In fact, it can be used as a powerful tool for healing and overcoming other addictions such as those to alcohol, smoking, overeating, and many other compulsive behaviors.

That being said, anyone who uses magic mushrooms (microdosing or otherwise) to escape reality, mixes them with other other psychoactive substances or alcohol, takes frequent doses without days off to reset tolerance, etc., may become addicted to the psychological effects of psilocybin.

Our products are intended to be used in a safe and meaningful manner. Please refer to our suggested microdosing protocols and dosage guide and follow your intuition. It is also recommended to seek the guidance of a psychedelic counselor and specialist to assist you in your microdosing journey if you have any concerns.

We advise you to administer your initial microdose on a day when you are not working to comprehensively grasp its impact on you. While it’s not legal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of any substance, many individuals observe that microdosing doesn’t impede their cognitive functioning. However, if you experience any form of intoxication, we strongly recommend refraining from driving.

We currently ship within Canada.

Shipping typically takes 2-6 business days after your order has been processed! Once your order is shipped, you should receive an update email with your Canada Post tracking number. If for some reason you do not, please reach out to our support staff at support@MicroDays.cc

No, we currently only ship within Canada. However, we are working to supply the US and international market and hope to be able to very soon!

At MircoDays, we use Xpresspost with Canada Post for shipping. The shipping cost typically falls between $17 to $25 per order package. However, we do offer free shipping on orders over $150.

We offer free shipping for orders over $150.

Yes. All orders are shipped in a discreet plain box, with no indicative labeling visible on the outside.

Every order placed will be processed and shipped within 24 business hours. The cut-off time for same-day orders is 1pm PST / 4pm EST. If an order is placed after 1pm PST / 4pm EST, it will be shipped the following business day. If orders are placed after 1 pm PST / 4 pm EST on Friday or the weekend, they will be shipped the following Monday. If orders are placed on holidays they will be fulfilled and shipped the next business day.

Note: When an order is placed, you will then receive payment instructions via email. Once payment has been accepted the order will be placed into processing. When the order is complete, you will be notified via email with a shipping confirmation and tracking number.

Yes, our rewards points are called DollarDays. DollarDays are collected every time an order is placed via your account and can be used toward future purchases!

Every $1 spent = 1 DollerDays collected.

100 DollarDays = $1 to be spent on future purchases.

Currently, we only accept e-transfers and credit card payments. When an order is placed you will receive payment instructions via email. Once payment has been accepted, the order will be placed into processing. When the order is complete, you will be notified via email with a shipping confirmation and tracking number.

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